Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Bangkok!

It's 4:30 am, and we arrived at our hotel in Bangkok about half an hour ago. We made it through security smoothly, but our flight from LAX to Taipei was delayed for a few hours. But the airline held our flight in Taipei for us and about 6 or 8 others, so we didn't have to spend the night in Taipei. Such a great reminder of God's providence and sovereignty! On the flight from Taipei to Bangkok, we got to enjoy a stunning lightning storm in the clouds around us.

Customs and immigration went incredibly smoothly, and even with the delay, all but one of our bags made it to Bangkok, and now we are getting some rest before heading back to the airport in a few hours to fly to Chiang Mai and meet up with the rest of the team and the ITDP staff.

The team is doing great - tired but in good spirits. Pray for rest, continued health, a safe flight tomorrow and that everyone would adjust quickly to the time change.

Continue praying for the Laos team as well, since they have had a long week of ministry and are now jumping into more. Pray for strength and energy for them!

For the team,

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